About This Blog

Call me… Mac.

A great deal of content is available in HD on the fantastic Blu-ray fomat, however, there exists a lot of content, on streaming sites like Itunes, Amazon, Hulu, Netflix that is in HD, but isn’t available on HD disc.

This presents two interesting opportunties:

  • There are very few review sites that cover the quality of these streaming releases i.e. is it worth actually spending your money on, or is it better to hold out for the eventual Blu-Ray ?
  • For some reason the sites themselves don’t make it easy to find such ‘exclusive’ content

I will provide you, dear reader, with reviews to enable you to make purchase decisions, and links to efficiently execute such decisions.

In short, I’m hoping that you will find a wealth of information, and links that will be both useful to you, and provide me with some small measure of compensation for the time put into the pages construction.

I may also write the occasional random article about something else: misadventures in Python, Comb filters, etc. You’ll just have to ignore that I’m afraid.

I can’t promise to regularly update the pages contained within, but I do promise to feel bad about not doing so.

Regards Mac.